
Chartered Accountant Course details and career as C.A


“Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” or ICAI is a Regulatory authority of Chartered Accountants in India. It was incorporated in the year 1949 by an act of parliament. It is managed by a council of 40 members in which 32 members are selected by Chartered Accountants and 08 are nominated by Central Government of India. All the training and education for CA students is controlled by Board of studies.
Now ICAI has more than 2.5 lakh of active members and nearly 9 lakh students having 153 branches covering all over India.
Career as Chartered Accountant, Chartered Accountant Fees Structure,  Chartered Accountan Salary

Two ways for becoming a Chartered Accountant Course are

1) Through Common Proficiency Test
2) Through Direct Entry

1) Chartered Accountant Course through Common Proficiency Test (CPT):

The step for becoming a CA through common Proficiency Tests is as follows:

A) After completing 10th you have to enroll with an institute for common  proficiency Test.

B)  You can appear for CPT exam after completing your 12th exam. You have to register before 60 days of exam. That means the exam will be conducted in June and December, So the student who want to write exam on June have to apply on or before April 1st and those who want to write exam on December has to apply on or before 1st October. 

C) Join Intermediate course after you pass 12th and CPT exam.
Intermediate Course Includes Orientation Programme, 100 hours of Information Technology training, appearing in Intermediate exam after completing 08 months of study Course. Join article training after passing Intermediate training course, 15 days training of First General Management and communication skill, 15days training of Second General Management and Communication Skill. After successful completion of all these training you can do final step.

D)  Join Chartered Accountant Final Course:
After Completing Intermediate exam, you can collect study material for Final exam; you will get a complete training of Advance Information Technology before appearing final exam during the third year of training.

E) Appear in the Final Examination
F) Pass final Exam
E) Enroll as a member of the ICAI and you can start working as a “Chartered Accountant”

 2) Through Direct Entry

If a student wants to Join Chartered Accountant Course after completing graduation or post-graduation, he can apply through Direct Entry.
The students need to have minimum of 55% in Commerce or 60% other stream in Graduation or post-graduation. Steps for becoming an Chartered Accountant is as follows.

A) Enroll with ICAI for Intermediate Course with or without Accounting Technician Course.
B) Attend 100 hours of Information Technology Training.
C) Register for three years Practical Training Course.
D) Complete General Management and Communication course during first year.
E) Appear in Intermediate Examination.
F) Should pass both intermediate Courses.
G) Undergo 2nd level course of General Management and communication skills.
H) Before appearing in the final exam you have to complete Advance information technology course in the third year.
I)   complete three years of training
J) Appear in the final Exam
K) Pass Final exam and can start working as a Chartered Accountant by enrolling as a member under Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) 

Subjects in Chartered Accountant Course:

CPT - Common proficiency test will include subjects
Section A - Fundamentals of      Accounting
Section B - Mercantile Laws
Section C - General Economics
Section D- Quantitative Aptitude 

Intermediate course includes subjects :

Group I
Group II
1) Accounting
5) Advanced Accounting
2)Business laws , ethics and Communication
6) Auditing And Assurance
3) Cost Accounting and Financial Management
7) Information Technology and Strategic Management
4) Taxation

Chartered Accountant Course Fee Structure :

Registration fees for CPT
Intermediate Course Fees
Articled Training Fees
Final Course Registration Fees

100 hours Information Technology Course training
100 Hours Advanced Information technology Course
Orientation Course
General Management and communication Skill
* fees are supposed to change, Kindly confirm with ICAI website.

You are supposed to pay examination fees of:
Intermediate course   : 1600
Final Examination   : 2250 

You can refer the official website of Institute of Chartered Accounts in India for More details

Chartered Accountant Career :
Once you complete the CA course, the world of opportunities will be open for you. You can choose the career as per your wish , The maximum Salary paid for Chartered Accountant in the year 2015 is 21 lakh per year. And the average salary earned by CA is around 7 - 7.5 lakh per year. So that its really a very high paying career in the field of Accounting.
You can choose working in Companies, or you can be a self Practicing CA, Tax Planner, Investment banking , etc. You can even work abroad,  More than 8000 Chartered Accountants are placed abroad every year with average payment of more than 12 lakh per year,  maximum payment of 30 lakh was paid in the year 2015.